Wednesday, August 10, 2011

farm this...

so i know i should write on a more regular basis...
but my schedule makes it difficult for me to do so.
its not an excuse i know.
but really truly its hard for me to find the time to do anything.

however today i took the time to spend time with two wonderful girls - well one a woman and one a girl.
one being my totter
and the other being my chuck.
no of course that is not her real name, but as we know from what we've read before of mine that i choose to respect my friends privacy by the use of nicknames.

we spend the evening at a farmers market and the whole time i couldn't help but think these things and felt the need to put them into words...
as i think that it is important to let the people we love know how cared about they truly are.

so here goes...

so chuck.
this is for you.
about you.

you are a special woman.
more special than i think you realize.
you are a kind, loving, bright and spectacularly caring woman.
as a friend and a big sister of sorts.
i am so proud of you.
you have grown.
you have followed your dreams.
and you continue to do so everyday.
you are a lovely human.
i am thankful for your friendship each and everday.
we have fun doing whatever it is that we do.
we laugh together.
cry together.
and i feel safe spilling my deepest secrets in your arms.
i know that you carry them in your pocket with the utmost protection and confidence.
you are special.
you continue to grow.
to immeasurable heights.
may nothing stand in your way.
i will be here to hold your hand.
guide you.
catch you when you fall.
whatever it is.
i'm here.
may our friendship continue to abound.
i heart you.

thank you for being you.

happy reading!!