Wednesday, November 23, 2011

For you totter...

what can i say...
i have been consumed by the movement of parental love.
i over flow with thoughts and affections for my child.


she and i have been on an ongoing adventure.
from day one.

she is the fuel for my fire.
and for those of you know me.
know it burns intensly.

this morning i was listening to some music
and came across a song that described everything i felt.
everything i feel.
everything i know about loving my child
or any mother loving her child.

a mothers love is a special love.
on the surface you may say that mine is no different than that of any other mother.
but to me it is.

if you know our story
you know our struggle and our triumph.
where we have been and what we have learned.
our journey has not been easy but it has been one that i will not forget nor regret.
sure i would have made changes along the way...
but its made us who we are.
it will dictate who she continues to become.
she is a magical creature.

little girl you are enchanting.
you are filled with magic and light.
do not let anyone extinguish your light.
let it shine brightly for the world to see.

continue to fight to change the world all on your own.
ask for help when you need it.
but always always always push forward.

sing your songs
dance your dance
always twirl.
dance and sing with reckless abandon.
let go be free.
wear your faerie wings.
you are after all the very thing you believe yourself to be.
a faerie
filled with magic
joy and
so let it shine.

be brave
be courageous.
love with your whole heart.
share your gifts with the world.

although i possess many words
i don't know that i have all the words to share with you all my wishes for you.

i wish for you that the world would stay the way you see it in your heart
i wish that the people that you encounter in your life shine as brightly with good as you percieve them to.
you have a wonderful way of looking at the world.
you see it not only through the eyes of a child but through the eyes of a wise and curious explorer.

you amaze me
you dazzle me
you love me
and i love you.
i love you more than you will ever know.

thank you for being you

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