Monday, November 14, 2011

a lesson in respect...

silly as this all might sound i have been taking notice of the lack of respect and common courtesy that seems to be surrounding us these days.


what have we become.
and how have we become this way.

the thing that blows my mind about it the most it that we carry our phones around with us
we have modes of instant communication.
some times too much.

it makes me sad.
in a world where we can connect at the drop of a hat
but we are so far away.

maybe its just be but frankly it makes me sick.
we can post about our lives on Facebook
but cannot call a friend to tell them hello, let them know you are thinking about them.
me i guess i am old fashioned.
i like to call my friends
see how they are doing
send them text messages when i am not in a place that i can talk just to let them know they are on my mind or that something reminded me of them...

it seems as though it is not reciprocated my way.
except for by my mostly companion.
thank you babes for being thoughtful enough to say hello.
it makes me smile.

i cannot make my friends think of me.
nor can i make them call me.
but my god get some manners.
when you say youre going to
do so.

with this lack of respect and common courtesy.
is the lack of etiquette.
its gone out the window.
i am pretty sure when you are invited somewhere it is the polite thing to do to inform the hostess that you are
a: attending
b: that you regretfully decline

its just nice.
and for not doing it.
its kinda rude.
in fact its very rude.
its not rude to say no.
its rude to say nothing at all.
RESPECT people.
not hard.
not complicated.
plain and simple.

we were taught the golden rule as children for a reason: treat others how you would like to be treated.
frankly sometimes i would like to treat others how they treat me.
so they can see how it feels.
but i was not raised this way.
i was raised to treat people with respect and common courtesy.
its how i roll.
i would like to say that i was capable of being that way.
but it doesn't feel good.
i'm not in the business of being mean.
i'm not saying i am perfect sure we all slip up at times but there are people who do it consistantly.
and when you speak up for yourself and say "hey this is hurting my feelings, not that i believe i deserve special treatment i just expect the people in my life to treat me with common courtesy and respect" - the same common courtesy and respect that i give them - and then they are rude to you its crap.
just crap.
and i am sick of being treated this way
and thus i am working on cutting those people out of my life.
they are repeat offenders.
and i am by remaining in contact with them and trying to be a part of their lives.
continue the cycle.
well the cycle ends.

i apologize that i am going on this little rant...
but i am just sick and tired.
oh well.
i know i cannot change anyone but myself.
so there you have it.

happy reading.

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