Friday, September 16, 2011


so in light of yesterdays post...
i thought i would write again.
i think i should write a little more.
talk a little less.

well considering that i am more or less alone talking a little less means nothing because i am actually speaking to no one.
funny how that works.
that the moment we decide to listen more are the moments in which we sit in silence and can reflect.

i wish as though i felt that the words and utter nonsense that i mutter through here meant something.
and served a greater purpose.
but i am here simply to express.
my thoughts.
my feelings.
my loves.
my fears (yes i have them - snakes are at the top of the list)  - not that it means anything but its just a bit of me.

as i sit here i am trying to come up with something witty to entertain you all for the day.
or maybe trick myself into getting in to the habit of writing more often.
i miss it.
whether it misses me i do not know.
nor do i care.
i draw blanks.
nothing to write.

i am thinking however about putting up some of my poetry.
not sure if it would be of interest to you my reader.
my friend.

oh well.
maybe as the day progresses i will find something dashingly witty to dazzle you with.
until then happy friday.
go ducks.

Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. I think you should put up the poetry! It such a wonderful thing to put it out into the universe...taking the risk that someone might actually read it.
