Friday, August 31, 2012

Grace Redefined

it has been a long time since i have taken to my blog,
there are things that have happened as of late that have affected my heart in such a way that i must write.

as a mother this made this whole experience, that much more difficult.
although i am nothing more than an outsider
it doesn't change the impact that it had on me.

a young woman that i used to dance with growing up has grown up and started a family of her own.
they are a beautiful family
and i admire them and their GRACE and strength.

4 months ago they brought a beautiful daughter into this world.
and oh is she gorgeous.
i want to love her and squeeze her.
but that is not what this is completely about.
their daughter was born with a bevy of health issues
and i have had the privilege, although it has been a heartbreaking one, to follow their journey.

their daughter who i will not name, nor will i name them to respect their privacy, has struggled.
she has fought a brave fight.
my heart aches for them.
throughout this journey they written in the most eloquent manner,
with hope and faith and unyielding love for one another.
i have been so honored to see the people that have come forth and offer their prayers, love and positive wishes.
i have never prayed so hard for tiny miracles.
and although her precious battle for life has come to a close.
i think that she and what she has taught those around her is the miracle itself.

we as parents think about the things that we don't want our children to do or want them to do.
we want them to use good manners.
wash their hands.
be polite.
not to talk back.
to clean their rooms.
and the list can go on.
but for most of us we don't think of those things in terms of the big picture in that we want them to

and that not to say that we don't think about those things on some level.
but most of our everyday thoughts are not of their ultimate survival.

this precious little girl and her big sister as well as her parents did.
they had to.
there was no choice.
it wasn't about whether or not she was going to eat her peas and carrots.
it was about whether or not she was going to make it.

and throughout this her parents shared this journey in the most unassuming fashion.
not asking for anything but prayers.
my heart aches so immensely for them.
yet i cannot help but admire their strength and their love for one another
their faith is awe inspiring.
they are amazing.
they have handled themselves with the grace that we all with that we had in time of heartache.

from all of this i look at my family with new eyes.
i want to love them more carefully
more thoughtfully

i cannot begin to imagine the pain that they are experiencing.
i wish i even had the words to properly express myself as to the admiration i have for their family.
they will forever live in my heart
my prayers
my love
my thoughts
my respect

all i can hope is that they find peace and solace in one another.
that they come together as a family to rise like a phoenix from the ashes.
that they are the rainbow after the rain
that they are the calm after the storm.

all my love.