so again i am a slacker...
letting my blogging fall by the wayside.
dear friend how i missed you.
so i thought i would give a little bit of an update to my life...
not that there is anything tremendously interesting going on but...
i have done something i never thought i could ever accomplish.
i ran and completed my first half marathon.
it was great.
it was my mothers day gift to myself.
to finish.
to see if i could do it.
and low and behold i did.
and now i am hooked.
i cannot wait to run another one.
thats kinda it for today...
i wish i could write more but i cannot sit comfortable as i took a nasty spill at my soccer game last night as i thought i might try a balancing act (not really) i was just exhausted and i totally bit it and fell severly on my tailbone and cannot sit.
ok goodnight and happy reading!